For as far back as I can
remember, I have been in love with the written word. It started with the
'little golden books', and the 'little house' books..and went from there.
It seemed I always had my head in a book. There was a time I stopped
reading so obsessively. But I'm back to the books!
For years I was too narrow minded in my choice of books, reading only
romance and the odd biography. Until Anne George entered my life.
My ex husband Ken and I were in a local bookstore. I told him I
"didn't like mysteries" and he set about finding something I
would like. I was adamant there would be nothing for me in the mystery
section. I can still see him bent over to the left, reading the
spines. He spotted "Murder On A Girl's Night Out" and
laughed out loud. He removed it and handed it to me. As a country music
fan, the cover caught my attention. I read the back 'blurb' and laughed
out loud myself. I bought it without thinking twice.
And the rest, they say, is history.
I first met Anne when I posted a review on Amazon.com. At the time I was
one of the top reviewers there. My post included my email address and Anne
wrote to thank me for the review. I was stunned. I couldn't believe this
talented lady took the time to write to little ole me.
We continued to write back and forth with her filling me in on her books
and her life, and I did likewise. Even her emails were laugh out loud
funny. They were also touching.
I lost my adoptive, older mother several years ago, and my elderly
adoptive father passed away when I was 16. My sister also died about a
year before my mother passed. Getting a message, or a card from Anne was
like hearing from my mom. The characters in her southern sisters mysteries
were like visiting with family again (and I'm not even from the southern
U.S!! I'm a Canadian). It is rare that I read a book more than once
anymore..but Anne's books are the exception. Because of her, and her
stories I have gone on to read many more mysteries. She opened up a whole
new world for me.
I have kept every email she ever sent me. It may be some time before I
will be able to re-read them again. It still hurts. But her family have
been so kind to me. I hear from her son Buster often, thanking me for this
site. I should be thanking him, and his family, for allowing me to
continue on with this site. I can't tell you how much their support means
to me, and how much Anne's support meant too. I was feeling so down
after Anne passed, until I received a message from Buster and from the man
the character 'Pukey Lukey' was based on. I was so thrilled to hear from
them, and it brought me out of my 'blues'.
This site will remain here (or somewhere online) until I am no longer
physically able to update it :) (which I hope will be at least 80 years
from now!). I'm glad you came to visit my little labour of love.
Edmonton Canada